
Stella Kim, a Fashion Design Director currently based in Italy, brings a truly global perspective to her craft. Born in South Korea, raised in the United States, and initiated into the world of fashion in the bustling heart of New York, Stella's journey has been a dynamic tapestry of diverse influences.

Her career took an exciting turn when she seized an opportunity in the thriving metropolis of Shanghai, China, where she collaborated with creative and international teams that enriched her creative ethos. Throughout her experiences, Stella has held steadfast to two core principles: try to be the best possible human being to others and empowering brands to create clothing that resonates deeply with their unique clientele.

Stella's strength lies in her ability to work across a spectrum of styles and to adapt seamlessly to the unique needs and brand identities of her clients. Whether it's embodying her own distinct style or embracing a brand's vision, Stella's adaptability and creativity shine through in every project.

But how does she achieve this? She begins by immersing herself in the essence of each brand she partners with, delving into their story, mission, client base, and aspirations. This meticulous study forms the foundation for her work, allowing her to forecast trends, adapt them to the brand's identity, and generate innovative concepts. These concepts are then skillfully transformed into commercial successes, leveraging the wealth of experience and support provided by her dedicated team.

Stella Kim's portfolio encompasses a rich spectrum of experiences, from leading design teams in the creation of on-trend commercial lines to nurturing her personal passion project: season-less foundation pieces. Her curious nature, her empathy for clients and teammates and her collaborative spirit fuels her designs and work.

In her free time, Stella is learning how to paint, trying to up her daily push-up count higher and learning how to cook and present elaborate meals to her family in Italy as this is one of her love languages*.

Feel free to browse the showcased work and click below for more insights.

*Living in the middle of Tuscany is beautiful but limited in terms of diverse global cuisines readily available and thus learning is a must. If anyone has any great recipes from anywhere in the world, drop a line!